Self Confidence
Build Self Confidence for Online Dating

December 8th 2019

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There’s a definite link between self-confidence, and first date success with other singles online. When you are dating online on the more comfortable you are with your own personality and appearance, the more comfortable you make those that you meet feel.

Unfortunately we don’t always feel confident when we are on a first single date and self confidence doesn’t come naturally. Self confidence has to be worked on and it can take time to grow and mature. So get working on yours to make yourself more confident on your first singles dates on

Nothing undermines your self-confidence than feeling uncomfortable in what you are wearing. Pre-planning and having a dating outfit for any occasion is a good idea. It not only stops the last minute stress levels but it will ensure you feel well dressed, look good and are comfortable. This is a great confidence boost and will make you feel good about how you portray yourself. Develop a go to dating clothing choice in which you are confident, attractive and comfortable. Find whatever works for you so that you can get ready quickly, so date preparation doesn’t involve stressing over what to wear.

"Pre-planning and having a dating outfit for any occasion is a good idea."
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You are meeting a new person and making conversation with a single you don’t know, which can be daunting. Try to be creative about the things you discuss, rather than having the same conversation twenty times over, as this will keep online dating first dates interesting.

Posture is important so remember to always sit and stand up straight as good posture boosts your mental state, and also makes you appear more in control, self confident and attractive to others. Remind yourself of your best characteristics and be positive about yourself. What achievements are you most proud of? Have you travelled and experienced some of the world, well dropping those achievements in conversation, if appropriate, is not bragging it is making you interesting and approachable and therefore datable. The more you talk about those experiences, the more confidence you’ll find in yourself.

"Posture is important so remember to always sit and stand up straight as good posture"

Another tip when you are dating on is suggesting the location of the venue, that way it is a venue that you know well and therefore you will be comfortable in your surroundings. Before the date or on route play some music that is uplifting and upbeat that puts you in a good positive mood, so that you arrive at the date in an upbeat mood. All these positive aspects will make you feel good about yourself and that is a good start to improving your self confidence.

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